What has been the biggest suprise of the track season so far?
Deckerville's emergence as a power in the GTE 4 votes 40%
The emergence of the North Huron freshmen 3 votes 30%
The number of school records being broken 2 votes 20%
The dominance of EPBP's Chelsea Dubey 1 vote 10%
The competitiveness of seevral teams in the girls' 3,200 relay 0 votes 0%
A new poll will be up soon...
The posts keep rollin... Get some rest this weekend before everything cuts loose next week.
You don't seem to be taking it easy over there in Wisconsin, so I've got to keep things going over here.
I finally ogt people reading this so I got to do my bets to keep that monetum up.
So what is the playoff situation like over your way, what do you have left? What is the most interesting? etc.
Teams are dwindling quickly here. My second best softball team was shut out in the district semifinal (ouch).
Track regionals are today, but in the rain, so we'll see there.
Baseball was supposed to start today, but again, rain and storms (which we needed).
I've got one good hope for softball to go to state (Chippewa Falls High) and baseball (Chippewa Falls McDonell [parochial]); the track sorts itself out; and a couple of individuals in boys golf. Oh, the soccer team plays today in its first round playoff game, but I have my doubts. If they win today, they'll play Saturday.
Four day weekends are for wimps.
You've got a captivated audience, but I don't think tying them up in front of the computer was what people mean.
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