Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Follow the leader...

There's a new tool from blogger where people can sign-up and follow the blog. For those with myspace, it is the equivalent of your friends list. I just added this feature last night an already I've gotten one person to sign-up, so hopefully the rest of you will follow suit (you'll have to scroll down a little ways and look on the right side to see it).
I'd love to get at least 20 of your bloggerites to sign-up so we can have a nice representation and I don't look like a loser with only one friend!


Anonymous said...

Ok Loser you have at least Passion.

Bill said...

OK, what am I going to get for signing up. Keep the rant going. I like your talking. But, cover mre sports

Anonymous said...

You're going to get another great edition of Pigskin Preview later today. I've been working on this for many hours, for several days to improve the audio quality, etc.
Hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Loser...Whatchoo talking bout WIllis?

Anonymous said...

what's your work email?
andrew selich

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey! Chris. You need a spot here for us total Junkies to write stuff. OK, anyway. If You are a Beaver and just knocked off a Trojan. And a mythical #1 Trojan. What are you. I have to say that last nite was a bigger shock than Michigan's big loss last year.