Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 2 of Pigskin Preview is up

This week's audio took longer than expected...with new technology the editing stuff took longer than I thought...however it is finally done.
We broke it down into several segments this week, so here is the order you should listen to them in:
PP Week 5 Intro
PP Week 5 GTW
PP Week 5 GTE
PP Week 5 NCTL

Here is the link to access them:

Please feel free tos share your feedback. I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Outstanding. Only have listened to one part but great. Better than last effort.

Actually Bad Axe has shown a lot of nothing for the last 5 years. Soccer may be the reason.

Beside's the fact that Reese is going to win the game. We will see.
I was at the Samdusky game. Early I know, but Cass city was outplayes for all but the first minute.

I love Football. Please do a girls program. At least to start one time a week.

I agree, bring up the JV's

Chris, correct me if I am wrong Cody Hoff is a junior?
With a field goal......

Maybe .