Here are some photos from tonights Harbor Beach/Caseville soccer game. The score was 2-0 when I left, I'll post an update when I get a final score. Also, I'm working on the audio tonight and hopefully we'll have something up tomorrow. And look for more audio updates through the week as this project really starts to take off.
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New Blog
All blog posts will now be at our new blog site
We will have morning sports reports from Derek and clips from Friday night
2009-10 All-Thumb Boys Basketball Team
First Team
Player of the Year
Player: Sean Clancy
Team: N. Huron
Pos. G/F
Height: 6-4
Class: Sr.
No. 20
PPG: 21.8
Rebounds: 8.8
Assists: 2.0
Steals: 2.8
Harbor Beach over Caseville 6-1
again great pics
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