Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pigskin Preview is up!!!!

A logn night finishing (and morning) finishing this up, by I think you'll like what you hear. Three segments, starting with the GTW, followed by the NCTL and finsihing with the GTE. Here they are for you (these might not be in order):


Anonymous said...

What was that about that BIG UPSET you predicted???????? Your creditability just went out the window!

Chris Ogryski said...

No one's credibility is build around one prediction. As I said, I had a gut feeling that Deckerville might be vulnerable to Marlette's offense. I talked to several people throughout the week that had the same feeling.
The Eagles proved me wrong, whiptty doo. As I said, no matter what the result was, Ubly is going to beat them this Friday.
No one gets every pick right every week. Did I lose credibility because I thought USA would beat BAd Axe, like everyone else did?
I don't think your argument makes sense, because if one wrong prediction made you lose all credibility, there would be no weathermen left.
I'm glad you listened to the audio and hope you continue to in the future.